I want to say Sektor and Cyrax will be part of the main roster, after missing MK11, but that would require the Cyber Initiative to happen again and I'm not sure it will happen directly in MK12. And in that case, I think we might see Tanya, Rain and Mileena as the main villains in Edenia. Which means that we might have a really good chance of having Edenia not absorbed by Shao Kahn. With this new timeline, Liu Kang will most likely try to avoid the mistakes of the old timeline.

I think either Kano, Jax or Sonya won't be in the base roster. Havik would also most likely be with Reiko (which would match up with the resetera leak) and Skarlet. With Havik coming back I would also expect Hotaru to come back, as his main rival and as an order realm representant. I also think that Havik will come back, he has been set up in character endings since MK9, was the main villain in the MKX comic and is highly requested. They could stay in the past, have him be dlc and avoid timeline continuity issues but I don't think it's what's going to happen. He missed MK11, and I really doubt he'd miss MK12. I've got a strong feeling that Takeda will be on the base roster. The game might start off during the Great Kung Lao era, or the MK1 tournament if it still happens, but I think it will quickly move towards the future to allow for characters like the Kombat Kids to be in. And I think the story will not go the expected route, to allow for more freedom in the character selection. The story in MK12 could really go in any direction, so it's hard to predict what it's going to be, and the story will have an influence on the roster.
#Mortal kombat 12 rumors ps2
maybe 12 will get its own round of DLC that could give some of those forgotten PS2 era characters hope. My only irk is that I'd really like to see characters like Nitara, Onaga & Havik return, lol. but adding all the characters from the last trilogy of games (which basically includes all the fan favorites anyway) is a decent compromise.

but it's obviously not surprising that the team probably doesn't want to waste a lot of time and effort on Hsu Hao & Kobra this day in age, lol). Now we're getting to the point where adding characters is a more complex process with a lot more work to it, so adding LITERALLY everyone may no longer be feasible (I'd love it. and then we got Armageddon, again, built on Deadly Alliance & Deception's foundation - But with an expanded roster that included everyone. and then we got Trilogy - Which was built on 3's foundation - But with an expanded roster that included everyone. It would be more or less in line with this franchise's history and what they've done in the past. I just hope there's more new story and it isn't LITERALLY MK11 (Same story mode and everything) I know it's not a universal opinion, but I personally enjoyed the gameplay in 11 - So I have zero problem using that as a foundation. I honestly don't hate the leak/rumor (whatever you want to call it) that says it's just going to be the MK11 engine with an expanded roster to add the missing characters from 9 & X.